Dramatičar Sir David Hare rođen je u Bexhillu, East Sussex, Engleska, 5. lipnja 1947., a obrazovao se u Lancing Collegeu i Jesus Collegeu u Cambridgeu. Bio je jedan od osnivača Portable Theatre Company gdje je glumio, režirao te pisao drame. Slage je prvi put predstavljen publici u Londonu, 1970. u kazalištu Hampstead Theatre Club. Bio je stalni dramatičar u kazalištu Royal Court (1970./1971.) i u Nottingham Playhouseu (1973.). Zajedno s David Aukinom i Max Stafford-Clarkom osnovao je i Joint Stock Theatre Group (1975.). Od 1984. je jedan od direktora u National Theatreu. Godine 1988. proglašen je vitezom. Član je društva Royal Society of Literature. Sir David Hare živi u Londonu.
Slag, 1971
The Great Exhibition, 1972
Brassneck (with Howard Brenton), 1974
Knuckle, 1974
Fanshen, 1976
Teeth 'n' Smiles, 1976
Licking Hitler, 1978
Plenty, 1978
Dreams of Leaving, 1980
A Map of the World, 1983
Saigon: Year of the Cat, 1983
Pravda: A Fleet Street Comedy (with Howard Brenton), 1985
Wetherby, 1985
The Bay at Nice/ Wrecked Eggs, 1986
Paris by Night, 1988
The Secret Rapture, 1988
Strapless, 1989
Racing Demon, 1990
Heading Home (includes Wetherby and Dreams of Leaving), 1991
Murmuring Judges, 1991
Writing Left-handed, 1991
The Absence of War, 1993
Asking Around: Background to the David Hare Trilogy, 1993
Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertold Brecht:
A Version for the National Theatre, 1995
Skylight, 1995
Amy's View, 1997
Ivanov (adaptacija), 1997
The Blue Room, 1998
The Judas Kiss, 1998
Via Dolorosa (with When Shall We Live?), 1998
Acting Up: A Diary, 1999
My Zinc Bed, 2000
Platonov /Chekhov (adaptacija), 2001
The Breath of Life, 2002